Heather reminded me that I forgot to write about those bug bites on my left hip. I don't know if they were bugs bites or stings or just what they were, but they showed up on Tuesday morning in the hotel in Knoxville and continued to itch all week. Then over the weekend the itching got even worse and became this burning, stinging itch that was driving me crazy during the day and keeping me awake at night.
B suggested it might be chigger bites, which I've had before and treated by covering the bites with nail polish, so we got some nail polish and the itching did seem to lessen ever so slightly after that. It still drove me nuts during the day, but I was able to sleep at night. By the time we finally closed on the house on Wednesday, I'd say the itching was probably 50% better. Then by the weekend after that it was 90% better, but I have some nasty looking scabs on my hip that I know are going to leave scars.
After we got out computers running and online, I did some research to try to determine what those "bites" were, and the only thing that sounded close were bed bug bites. But strangely, B had no such "bites" or any itching. Also of note is that I was actually having some itching around that area for about a week before those "bites" showed up. I don't know if that's just a coincidence or what. I thought the initial itching was just some kind of nervous reaction to the stress of moving, and maybe it was. I'm just glad it's gone now. I was almost ready to go to the ER when it was at its worst.
I'm downloading Ayumi's latest concert DVD right now. I don't know why it's so late in coming, but this concert is from her 2007 tour which ended last May. You might remember me saying that I was expecting the DVD to come out in the fall of last year, but it took until now. Anyway, I always really look forward to her concert DVDs, so I'm eagerly waiting for this download to finish. That's the cover of her latest single at the top called Mirrorcle World. It's a remake of a song from her last album called Mirror, hence the weird name. I'm hoping to see some new music videos from her soon, too. Is it really fair that someone can look as pretty as she does? ;)
I'm downloading Ayumi's latest concert DVD right now. I don't know why it's so late in coming, but this concert is from her 2007 tour which ended last May. You might remember me saying that I was expecting the DVD to come out in the fall of last year, but it took until now. Anyway, I always really look forward to her concert DVDs, so I'm eagerly waiting for this download to finish. That's the cover of her latest single at the top called Mirrorcle World. It's a remake of a song from her last album called Mirror, hence the weird name. I'm hoping to see some new music videos from her soon, too. Is it really fair that someone can look as pretty as she does? ;)
I'm not feeling very well today. We went grocery shopping earlier and I sometimes get so tired after grocery shopping. Bone tired is what I call it, because I'm tired right down to my bones. I've also been very cold today and I can't seem to get warm enough. Even my feet are cold in the down booties I was given for Christmas, and that never happens.
Oh, speaking of those, today is my dad's birthday and I sent him a pair of those same down booties. He's cold natured like me and I think he'll really get some use out of them. They're not supposed to arrived for another week and a half or so, unfortunately, so I'll have to wait and see what he thinks of them. I called him earlier to wish him happy birthday and he was getting ready to go out for dinner because he's 3 hours ahead of me there. He quit smoking 6 weeks ago and he said things are going well with that. I'm really happy that he's decided to quit, but this is the 5th or 6th time he's quit. Hopefully this will be the last time. He used to smoke before I was born and then quit because the price went up to, like, 40 cents a pack or something (ha!), then he started again when he and mom got divorced and smoked for years after that. Then his place of employment went totally smoke-free and he decided to quit again and didn't smoke for probably 5 years, but then suddenly I went to see him one day and he was smoking again. I said, "What are you doing?!" He said something lame like, "Oh, well, I just decided to smoke again," or something like that.
Anyway, I'm happy that he's quit again. It can only be good for him. I've never been a smoker myself, though for a period of several years I used to have dreams about smoking. It was weird. I was always kind of scared of cigarettes because I felt like, if I started, I'd be addicted right away and never be able to stop. I doubt that's true, but I'll never know for sure. I've never been much of a drinker, either, because alcohol puts me to sleep and/or gives me a headache.
I took some more pictures today and I hope to have them here soon. The mountains still have snow on top and they look awesome, so I tried to get some nice pictures of them.
I've never understood it when people quit smoking for awhile and then start up again. I've been told it's because deep down the person didn't really WANT to quit. But, I guess having always been a non-smoker, I don't get the appeal and why someone wouldn't want to quit.
Chiggers only bite in the juvenile stage - they drop off shortly after gorging them selves on mammalian fluids (you). Contrary to popular opinion they do not embed themselves in your skin, so do not use nail polish or bleach as it is only adding toxins to toxins! Chiggers inject a small amount of an antiseptic material to numb the area that they are attacking and they are generally not detected until long after they have fallen off. You can, if you are particularly sensitive, notice a small tickle sensation as they attach but it is barely noticeable. Some responders are right in warning: DO NOT SCRATCH as this can lead to secondary infections, possible scarring and open portals to some very nasty bacteria (MRSA aka flesh eating bacteria). My advice is to use a product called Mitigator Sting & Bite scrub – it actually removes the toxins or venom. It has baking soda, papain (meat tenderizer to absorb toxins) and walnut shell granules to open the pores. Scrubbing with your fingertips substitutes for scratching with your fingernails and since it has no harsh chemicals or foul odors it can be reapplied as often as needed. It was only sold to the military until recently. You can now find it at Longs Drug stores or on the web at: www.mitigator.net
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