So B got on the phone with the tech support people again and had them walk him through the process of setting up another secure connection. This time he also set up a new password for the online modem utility that enabled him to create the secure connection because we're figuring that's how this person or persons hacked into our network again. Geez! It really sucks that this happened again. I wish we could find out for sure if it was our neighbor doing it or not, but it didn't even look like he was home yesterday morning. In fact, we haven't seen his car in his driveway in several weeks. Don't know what's up with him.
B and I took a walk in the evening the day before yesterday and I saw a little bird sitting on a street sign from a distance. It was starting to get dark and I didn't have my glasses on, but from what I could see it looked like an owl, even though it was small. I walked a little closer and sure enough, this is what it was:
It was the tiniest little owl I've ever seen, about the size of a finch. It's called an Elf Owl.
I'm really enjoying the wildlife around here. Yesterday there was a veritable bird-and-bunny convention going on outside my computer room window. There were four rabbits (two were babies) and at least a dozen birds. I saw some kind of red-breasted bird that I'd never seen before and I'm still not sure what it was. The cats are enjoying the birds and bunnies, too. Or maybe they're just frustrated because they can see them but can't get at them. While I was on the treadmill today, I saw a little bunny come flying out of some greenery growing in the middle of the yard and hop right over to the house. It was sitting practically right below where Spice was laying inside on the windowsill, just muching on some weeds, seemingly oblivious to the cat. Spice looked like she was going to bust right through the window to get it.
I've also been seeing some little lizards around recently. The cats like those, too. I still haven't seen any snakes, scorpions or anything scary like that, though we did have some roaches for a while (yuck). We've had an exterminator come and take care of that.
I took a little video of the birds and rabbits yesterday so maybe I'll see if I can get that up on Utube or something.
1 comment:
Damn, that really sucks people (particularly this Scott guy) keep getting into and using your network. Hope you can keep them out :/ (Cool bird, btw! I think owls are really neat.)
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