The good news is, it was mostly dead, but the bad news is, somehow it got inside. This was the first time I'd seen one of these and I much rather would've seen it outside. This morning I found another one, and this time it was IN the bedroom right next to the bed. I think it was mostly dead, too, since it didn't move when B sprayed it with alcohol, but still....eeewww!! It was on my side of the bed right when I put my feet when I get up. As you might imagine, I'm going to be looking at the floor very carefully when I get out of bed from now on. I've been wearing shoes in the house all day today because I do NOT want to step on one of these things in my sock feet if there are more around.
Like I said, this is the first time I've seen one of these, though I have seen lots of these in the house before:
These are a type of spider and aren't dangerous, but I'm pretty sure the former creatures are scorpions. B and I were thinking they might be these things called vinegaroons, which we'd heard are less dangerous, but they look quite different: That's definitely not what we had here in the house today. Blech. I saw some kind of big, hairy, brown spider outside last week. I'm not sure what kind it was, but I'd say it was about three inches across. Not quite as big as a tarantula, but close. It might've been some kind of tarantula for all I know. I was over on the side of our house cleaning up our ex-neighbors crap that he left out in his driveway that got blown all over our yard the last time it rained, but after seeing that spider, I decided to just leave the stuff alone. Maybe it will blow out of our yard the next time it rains.
I got my hair trimmed this past Sunday because I wanted to have it done for our camping trip coming up, but she really chopped it this time and it's shorter than I wanted. I think it looks kind of awful, not cute like the first time she cut it, especially my bangs because she cut them way too short. I think they look best when they're just touching my eyebrows, but they're waaay above my eyebrows and it looks dorky. Hopefully it'll grow fast. I'm hoping by the time we go camping in a couple weeks, it'll look like it did the first time she cut it. Or at least the bangs. I'll probably be wearing hats all the time anyway.
I used to have a pet vingeraroon! Actually it was my sister's, when we were kids. My mom, her second husband and my sister went to New Mexico one summer to visit my grandparents, and my grandpa caught one while he was mowing their yard. My sister had it for at least a couple years, we used to buy crickets at a pet store for it to eat. We never messed with it so as to get bitten or anything, but it did have this spray it let out a couple times when we annoyed it that really did smell like vinegar!
Just dropping in to say I hope you had a great birthday! (I always remember it's right near Booger's, but damn if I can remember if it's the 1st or 3rd. Always found it funny B's birthday is the same as mine!) Anyhow, hope you had a good one!
Oooh, somehow I missed this post. God that would scare the hell out of me to see it in my house. Glad they were nearly dead, but I'd be wearing my shoes, too!
Yup, first one is a scorpy. Sray water or some other cold liquid on them and they just stop. You can then smash it or pick it up duct tape as I do.
Vinegaroons just look like they'll eat your family. They are harmless to people and supposedly like to eat scorpies.
Sun spiders are just freaky. I'm told they will bite, but are not poisonous to people...the they can take a chunk out...but in 4 years in southeast Arizona, I never net anyone who was bitten by one. I little Spectracide keeps the nasty critters outside, where they belong.
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