Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Whoo comments!

Since I got a couple questions in my comments, I'll see if I can answer those. (Thanks for the comments!)

First Mel - the humidity out here is almost nonexistant. For example, the humidity right now is 22% and that's kind of high because there are thunderstorms in the area. I've seen it as low as 2%. It makes a huge difference in how the temperature feels, too. Like last night, it was 101 around 8:00 p.m. and B and I sat on the front porch for a little while. To me, it felt like about 85 degrees rather than 101, but I know back in NC it would've definitely felt like 101 with the humidity there.

Second Heather - so far I'm loving living here. I love the warm temperatures, the low humidity and the almost-always sunny skies. I love our house and we're still doing some decorating here and there.

One thing I don't love are all the ugly tumbleweeds that have sprung up in our yard, but on the bright side, they seem to attract rabbits and birds and I love watching them. I really don't miss living in NC at all, except a few people there. In general, I like the low humidity, although I think my body is still adjusting to it because I wake up every day with a dry, sore throat. Part of the problem is the medications I take make my throat dry. We have a humidifier that I use in the bedroom almost every night, but unfortunately it's not totally getting the job done.

Another thing I don't love is the wind here, which can be pretty strong at times. The good news is, it was mostly windy in the spring and it's gotten way less now that it's summer. I'll have to wait and see what the other seasons will be like in terms of the wind. I've really been enjoying riding my bike around the neighborhood because there's rarely any traffic and it's not very hilly terrain, but it's not much fun when it's really windy. Believe it or not, it makes a big difference in terms of how much energy you have to use when the wind is blowing against you.

One thing I do miss from NC was my doctor there, as you know, and thanks for both of your comments on that situation. And Heather, you know if you want to see all the great hummingbirds here, all you have to do is move here. ;)

Oh, another thing I like about living here is that there are lots of organized activies in our community, though I have to admit I haven't really looked into any of them yet. We had our own 4th of July fireworks here at the golf course last week, so B and I drove up there to watch them. It was great because it was nice and warm, not very crowded, and best of all, there were no bugs, unlike being outside at night back east. There's a pool here, too, and I do intend to go swimming at some point, but I don't have a swimsuit that fits me right now. :( That's something I'm working on. I've lost about five pounds, so maybe by next summer I'll have lost enough to feel like going to the pool.

Another thing I love about living here is being so close to cool places like the Grand Canyon and Las Vegas. It's amazing that we can drive to either of those places in just a couple hours, plus there are a lot of other cool places nearby that we plan to check out. I'm hoping also that maybe one day Ayumi will do a concert in the US, and I know she's been to Vegas several times, so just maybe she might do a concert in Vegas. There have been rumors, but nothing definite. Keep your fingers crossed for me.


Heather said...

My husband loves astronomy, and used to have this awesome telescope, and he was constantly sighing and wishing we were out somewhere like Arizona to see the stars, the nights are supposed to be amazing for that. I sigh over the hummingbirds. I'm glad you guys were able to make the move, that must be really nice to be in the climate & location you want to be in, and that's great you're enjoying it. CH & I are always daydreaming about living somewhere out west, though our daydreams tend to go more out towards like Wyoming or Idaho. I seriously doubt we'll ever be able to, but hey I guess you never know what the future could bring. (Oh, did I also mention I envy your low humidity? I think that's the biggest thing I hate here)

Melanie said...

I thought I remembered there was little to no humidity there. My grandmother hated the whole area when she lived there -- something like 20 years, and she said she endured it 30 minutes at a time...she was kind of crotchety.

Anyway, glad you like it. Every time I look at your header photo I'm reminded of how fascinated I was with the mountains every time we visited there. Love that photo.

P.S. Guess what bug is bugging us really bad here? Horseflies. Now THAT will run you inside.